Redevelopment of the brownfield site by Rochdale Canal in Newton Heath.
ESOS (Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme)
ESOS is an energy assessment scheme that is mandatory for large organisations in the UK with more than 250 employees, turnover in excess of €50m and an annual balance sheet total of €43m. The Environment Agency is the UK scheme administrator.
How the Scheme Works
An ESOS Assessment requires participants to do three things:
1. Measure total energy consumption
- Measure total energy consumption across buildings, transport and industrial activities.
2. Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations.
- Ensure that at least 90% of your total energy consumption is subject to an ESOS compliant energy audit, a Display Energy Certificate, a Green Deal Assessment or a certified ISO 50001 Energy Management System during each phase of the scheme.
- For the first phase of the scheme, any energy auditing activity dating back to December 2011 may be used to support compliance provided that it meets the minimum standards required of ESOS Energy Audits.
3. Report compliance to the Environment Agency
- By 5 December 2015, participants must notify the Environment Agency (as the scheme administrator) of compliance with the scheme. The Assessment must have been reviewed by a Board-level Director and approved by a Lead Assessor. (Participants are not required to implement energy efficiency recommendations identified by their ESOS Assessments. However, they will only achieve the financial benefits that arise from avoiding energy waste if they do implement cost-effective recommendations identified.)